Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Let's Start With a List

Working in the Boring Store at 826 Chicago is anything but dull. There are the ever-curious customers, quirky staff members, the endlessly interesting items scattered throughout the store and, of course, a shelf of McSweeney's publications. I was browsing through one, Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans: The Best of McSweeney's Humor Category, and came across a section of lists toward the end of the book. This one evoked an un-stifleable laugh or three, and I think you'll enjoy, too, oh currently-dedicated reader. Our lasting relationship is a constant in my life that keeps me going.

Music Industry Trends Not Yet Overexposed
by John Moe

Trance tuba
Self-deprecating hip-hop
All-dog bluegrass
Mild Salsa
Teamsta rap
Immature adult contemporary
Back hair metal
Gangsta polka
Amino acid jazz
Barbershop quartet-core
Pyschedelic chamber groups
Hard on the outside but with a squishy nougat center-core
Graduate school rap
Halfway-house music
Reasonable speed metal
Jazz-crap fusion
Blank tapes

What is it that is so wonderful about lists? Is it the minimal effort : massive enjoyment? Is it the fun of making obscure connections? Is it the catharsis of organization? Who wrote the first list? Did Adam start one when he began naming animals? Does God have to-do lists? Did the Israelites have moral to-do lists that they left on their fridges but then became so used to them that they blended in with the rest of the family photos, which ultimately led to their numerous falls from grace? I'm reading a bit of the Old Testament now - don't worry, there aren't that many references I can make. Unless you dare me.

P.S. - And then someone showed me this: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/links/lists/

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